
Mission Statement:

Investing in Socio-economic Disadvantaged Youth with Interest in the Engineering, Mathematics, scientific, and Technology fields. 

Target Groups:

6th grade through 12th grade Events: Robotic competition, attendance at science expos and symposiums, plant tours, college tours, motor machines competition. Summer science camps.

College bound youth:  College preparation event, college tours, summer science camps, scholarship assistance, mentoring .

Financial support

The Foundation will provide assistance to Socio disadvantaged Youth through financial assistance for  S.T.E.M. Camps, competitions , and scholarships for college. All monies will be given directly to competition vendors whenever possible. All money paid out that is not used for purpose specifically earmarked will have to be repaid to the the foundation by the recipient .  All Scholarship recipients will maintain a 2.5 GPA and at least a B in conduct to participate in events sponsored by The Foundation. (Summer Groups will present last report card)

Eligible participants for the RSF will be students who meet the following state requirements:

•  United States citizen or permanent resident

•  Enrolled in a Texas middle school or high school. Proof of College Admissions

•  At least 11 but no more than 18 years of age (at entry)

•  Are low-income and/or a potential first-generation college student

•  If male, meets U.S. Military Selective Service registration requirements

•  Demonstrates an interest in a STEM related career field

Application process:  Submit 500 word essay on “How My Science would benefit/impact the World.” Submitted minimum 45 days prior to Semester start.  Executive Board will select recipient  by majority vote.